Board Of Trustees
Vickie Herrick
Christina Cooper
Leslie Frank
Carole Wheeler
Marie Elena Potter
Susan Newcomer
Ed Cheever
Katherine Vandiver
Board Meeting Minutes
There are seven (7) library trustees that oversee the annual budget, hire and review the library director, and approve the library policies among other duties. At least two trustees are elected by town residents each year for three (3) year terms. These staggered terms ensure that “institutional memory” is maintained. The trustees can be contacted via email at There can be up to three (3) alternates recommended by the Board of Trustees and appointed by the Board of Selectman to serve for one (1) year terms.
The library Board of Trustees meet monthly, usually on the third Tuesday of every month at the Chesterfield Public Library at 6:30pm. You may contact the library for exact meeting times. The agenda of the library trustee meetings are publicly posted at the appropriate places at least twenty-four hours before the meeting is held. The public is welcome, and encouraged, to attend trustee board meetings.
Minutes of all meetings are posted on the library website (see below) and are available in print form at the library upon request.